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FAQs: Credit Profile
Updated over a week ago

What is Credit Profile?

Credit Profile allows you to access your Equifax credit score and detailed credit report to better understand and improve your credit and finances.

Get personalised insights to help you target ways in which you can boost your score and improve your finances with access to tools such as Credit Score Simulator to create a visualise your plan of action to maximise your credit score.

What data is included in my Credit Profile

  • Credit score
    Credit Referencing Agencies provide an individual with a credit score based on their financial and lending background. All credit referencing agencies use different methods for working out this credit score which includes credit history, credit applications, public records and much more. Our credit profile tool is powered by Equifax. This means your subscription credit score and report are supplied by Equifax.

  • Personal information
    These are details such as your name, DOB, and electoral roll information. Further information such as if you’ve been a victim of fraud (CIFAS) and current credit accounts are also listed.

  • Search information
    Details of any hard and soft credit searches carried out. What is the difference between a soft credit check and a hard credit check?

  • Account information
    Information about your financial behaviour and financial associations such as details about open and closed accounts in your name, any current overdrafts you may have and public information records like CCJs.

  • Credit score simulator
    Our score simulator tool allows you to see how positive and negative actions can affect your credit score over time.
    You can find more information here

Why should I check my Credit Profile?

You should check your credit profile at least once a month. Users who check their credit profile are more likely to increase their credit score and also spot any potential fraud happening in their name.

How do I access my Credit Profile?

Your Credit Profile is available when you sign up for our CanopyGrow Premium subscription. When you click the Credit Profile tile on the Canopy Grow screen you will be asked to submit your ID verification, date of birth and address details. Equifax needs this information in order to find your Credit Profile.

Some of the information on my Credit Profile is wrong, what should I do?

The information on your credit profile is supplied to us by Equifax. If you believe the information is incorrect you can raise a dispute with Equifax.

How often does my credit profile get updated?

Your credit profile will be updated monthly.

We will send you an email each month to notify you that your credit report has been updated.

Who is providing the data for my credit score and report?

This data is powered by Equifax

Why do I need to provide ID verification to access my credit profile?

You need to verify your identity to ensure we are providing you with the correct credit score and report.

Will checking my credit score harm my credit score?

No, we do not need to undertake a hard search in order for you to access this data.

I am already using a credit building tool, why should I use Canopy?

Using more than one credit builder will benefit you as different companies will offer different tools. It’s best to maximise your effort and utilise our unique financial tools to boost your credit.

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