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Comprehensive Screening: Landlord Reference
Updated over a year ago

If your Agent/Landlord requests Comprehensive Screening this means you are required to provide an Employment and Landlord reference which is then attached to your RentPassport.

This article highlights the requirements of a suitable landlord referee. Most landlords and agents require a landlord reference to verify that you are a good tenant.

Top Tip: After you've given us your referee's details and email, drop them a quick note to let them know to expect an email from the Canopy Rent team and how quickly you need their help - especially if you are looking to move soon.

For more information and a step by step guide on how to complete this section please see our article here.

Who can provide a Landlord Reference?

  • This must be your most recent landlord or agent, if you have not rented in the UK in the last 3 years please select this option as we can only accept references dated within 3 years.

  • Your referee can be anyone who owned or managed the property you rented. Typically a landlord owns a property and an agent manages the property. Both an agent or landlord can do both, own and manage a property, so it's best to speak to your landlord/agent and assess who is best to provide the reference.

  • Depending on who you rented your property from they must have access to your tenancy information in order to supply an accurate reference.

What is included in a Landlord Reference?

The landlord reference displays your

  • Previous address

  • Payment frequency

  • Tenancy Start Date

  • Tenancy End Date

  • Rent Amount

  • Rent Arrears

  • Any damage to the property (above wear and tear)

  • Would they recommend you to future landlords?

The purpose of this is to provide your agent with further information on what kind of tenant you will be.

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