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All CollectionsRentPassport®Savings
What type of Savings we accept
What type of Savings we accept
Updated over a year ago

Below you will see a list of savings that we can accept alongside what documents we require if you opt-out of Open Banking.
We have included a list of savings we will not take into account as acceptable funds. To see how we validate the documents please click here.

Please note we do not accept any international savings.

Savings we can accept:

Type of Savings


Current account

  • Your 3 most recent fully itemised bank statements.

Please note if you receive your income in this account we will need to deduct this in order to verify the correct amount of savings available.

Cash ISA

  • Your 3 most recent fully itemised bank statements.

Investment ISA (aka Stocks and shares ISA)

  • Your most recent statement and proof of current balance alongside confirmation of accessibility of the funds.

Premium Bonds

  • Your most recent financial document showing the bond activity so we can assess both incoming and outgoing activity alongside the current balance of the premium bond savings.

Trust Funds (Beneficiary)

  • Signed reference letter from your solicitor confirming the amount in the trust fund and when you are due to receive this/have received this.

  • Your 3 most recent fully itemised bank statements to confirm the funds have cleared.

Please note if you are not due to receive this within 8 weeks of referencing we will not be able to accept this.

Sale of property

  • Signed reference letter from the solicitor confirming the amount and date of sale and the funds have cleared alongside the corresponding bank statement.

We do not accept a pending sale.

Savings we cannot accept:

Type of Savings


Financial Investments

Investment portfolios, bonds, stocks and shares are usually not stable and/or liquid and therefore cannot be used for an assessment.

We will consider some types of investments, however, they need to be accessible and liquid in order for them to be included as savings. These types of savings will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. In order for this, we require your most recent financial documents confirming the amount and availability of assets. We may request further documentation or proof.

Property Investments

This will likely be rental payments from a rental property. We can accept this as a source of income so we require you to upload this in the relevant section.

Lifetime ISA

This can only be accessed, without penalty, if the account holder is over 60 therefore we do not accept this as a source of savings income.

Innovative Finance ISA

This allows the account holder to provide loans to approved individuals and businesses via an online peer-to-peer lending platform but these products are NOT the same as savings accounts so we cannot accept this type of ISA.

Junior ISA /
Child Trust Funds

This is something parents can set up for their children under the age of 18. This is not a savings we can accept as renters need to be 18 to legally rent a property and you are not able to include your child's savings as your savings.

Trust Fund, you have set up

This is similar to the above, you will not be able to include money in a trust fund you have set up for someone else. You are the trustee, not the beneficiary.


We will not accept any form of cryptocurrency.

Gold (physical gold)

We cannot accept this as this is not a type of savings.

Please note: If your RentPassport® is not connected to an agent, sections not auto-verified will appear as self-certified. All manual reviews by our referencing team will be undertaken once you have connected to an agent for a tenancy application.

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